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- Date: Mon, 4 Jul 1994 15:09:22 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: available keys
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <UUCP.773336278@mettav>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9407041522.A11977-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Annius:
- )> There was discussion of busy-waiting... well, SOMETHING has to busy wait,
- )
- )Not so. The mouse generates an interrupt when it is moved. So the OS
- )doesn't need to do any checking while the mouse is not moved; the
- )other approach would.
- If you used a 1-pixel rectangle, then your program would be interrupted
- every time the mouse moved. This wouldn't take a whole lot more overhead
- than the interrupts that the OS gets from the hardware.
- Vincent:
- )vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
- )CLRHOME Move to top of window <<none>>
- )shift BKSP same as normal backspace ...
- )^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- )I agree. I suggest that the difference between BKSP and shift BKSP would
- )be: BKSP can't delete CR while shift BKSP can (like in Edith).
- Shift-Backspace should do the same as Backspace, and CR is the same as
- any other character that can be deleted. Are you putting physical
- returns at the ends of your lines within paragraphs? Ick!
- Baker:
- )buttons required to use an untopped window (like in the desktop). Does
- )everyone agree with me that the mswindows behaviour of topping _and_
- )activating a button is undesirable?
- That behavior is not only undesirable, but irritating in the extreme.
- One recurring theme I see coming from some of you is that you seem to
- want to make drastic changes to the way the GEM interface operates on a
- fundamental level. Putting dialogs into windows is great, IMO. But
- making other changes like (For things other than tool boxes) not topping
- windows when they're clicked in not only confuse and frustrate people
- (myself included), but they often make simple things (like topping
- windows when you WANT to) difficult.
- GEM is its own user interface, with its own peculiarities and traits and
- features that make it distinct from (and some times superior to) other
- GUI's. Let's not go mucking that up in ways that we don't need to.
- Adding good features is one thing, but let's not go crazy with this.
- Demanding that people start going against the basic design of the
- operating system is not reasonable... at least not until these features
- become part of the real OS.
- I want my apps to work on people's computers without a lot of crap. I
- don't want to have to confuse the user by having them install a new
- program in the AUTO folder to take up more memory just to add a few
- features to the OS, especially if they have to pay extra for this
- utility. When standards boards start becoming police and judges that
- demand that I do something in my app that is not only not part of the OS,
- but difficult or wasteful to implement or interface with, then things
- have gotten way out of hand.
- Let's be sensible about what we put into our standards, shall we? It's
- wonderful to supply code for dialog-in window things that add extra
- functionality, but let's not require it, even in the unlikely event that
- the programmer were to make it easy to implement or interface with.